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'A Mighty Work of Grace': An Examination of the Revival of the Army of Northern Virginia

Posted on:2011-08-26Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:Regent UniversityCandidate:Alvarez, Rachel MFull Text:PDF
During the Civil War, the soldiers of the Confederate Army experienced a great revival that spread throughout the troops. The purpose of this work is to examine this great revival and its theological background. This paper will specifically study the revival within the Army of Northern Virginia, where the revivals were most effective and concentrated. First, this paper will create the context of the revival by examining its theological influences, including Charles Finney's "revival theology" and others. Then this paper will address how these seemingly opposing theological influences played out in the revivals and what the results were, using examples from the letters and memoirs of chaplains and soldiers that served in the Army of Northern Virginia. This paper will conclude with a description of the great revivals and their outcomes.
Keywords/Search Tags:Revival, Army, Northern, Paper
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