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Harmonisation des debits de conception issus des modeles de simulation du ruissellement en milieu urbain

Posted on:2011-08-21Degree:M.IngType:Thesis
University:Ecole de Technologie Superieure (Canada)Candidate:Bounab, AbdessamieFull Text:PDF
The Rational Method (RM) is used since the mid-nineteenth century to calculate the runoff in the design of drainage works in urban areas. Given the simplifying assumptions inherent in this method is valid increasingly the choice of design parameters using software based on more sophisticated models such as the non-linear reservoir model (MRNL). The engineer is now in the presence of sometimes significant differences between the design flows calculated by two different models, which makes him difficult work of validation.The results of this work can be used to validate the calculation of design flow calculated by either of two methods.Keywords: rational method, nonlinear reservoir, simulation peak flow design.The aim of this paper is to shed light on the various parameters involved in the calculation of runoff by the MRNL and the RM in order to harmonize the results obtained by both methods. We have established, in particular, a relationship between parameters of MRNL and the MR which can achieve substantially the same design flow by the two hydrological models. The validation of the proposed approach on synthetic and real networks showed a good correlation between flows calculated by both methods.
Keywords/Search Tags:Method
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