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New Funny Art Women Good

Posted on:2011-11-14Degree:M.F.AType:Thesis
University:University of Maryland, Baltimore CountyCandidate:Ferrera, Christine AngelaFull Text:PDF
GTID:2445390002452459Subject:Fine Arts
At first glance my paintings, videos and performances appear to be a surreal ad campaign for a mysterious product. I saturate surfaces with color, transmute slogans into short poems and spin the plots of 30-second commercials into unique incantations. If ads could sleep, their dreams might manifest themselves as similarly bewildering visions. Images of women advertising face creams that promise to be 5% less sad, cell phones with the added feature of providing true intimacy or a bra that simultaneously acts as birth control and a nicotine patch speak to the insatiable desires manufactured by consumer culture. An auctioneer maniacally barking the aesthetic virtues of a canvas as she haphazardly slaps paint onto it and tries to sell it points to the absurdity of our current value system. An affectionate correspondence between an artist and a global coffee franchise humorously conjures the delicate fallibility of public and private personae. Slick as a fresh manicure yet plush as a hand-knit potholder, my work strikes a balance between humanity and its corporate alter ego. My aim is not merely to parody and critique commercial media but to grasp the mechanics of desire and manipulation. While I borrow some of its techniques, the construct of advertising eventually recedes altogether leaving only an abstract narrative. This, too, dissolves until all that remains are two voices. One voice is a version of my own the other is my fantasy projection of the collective voice of the outside world. The conversation is about art and authenticity.
Keywords/Search Tags:New Funny Art
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