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Characteristics of postsecondary students: Resilient outcomes from at-risk developmental circumstances

Posted on:2008-10-27Degree:M.EdType:Thesis
University:Nipissing University (Canada)Candidate:Brown Brunton, Nancy JFull Text:PDF
Recently research has turned to the important question of why some children don't fail in difficult circumstances. The term resilience is used to define children who can bounce back, withstand hardship, and repair themselves.; The purpose of this study was to examine postsecondary students who self-identified as growing up in at-risk environments. The study identified the risk factors that students coped with in their development and the multiple risk factors that were present in the lives of resilient students. The study then explored those factors that the postsecondary students felt were instrumental in assisting them to achieve personal resilient outcomes.; The sample was composed of 728 postsecondary students registered in 4 Human Services programs at a community college, 257 of whom identified themselves as resilient and shared their personal insights about growing up at risk and the protective factors that allowed them to move towards positive outcomes.
Keywords/Search Tags:Postsecondary students, Outcomes, Risk, Resilient, Factors
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