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Analysis of variables that impact nutrition care time per case and development of a staffing model for inpatient dietitians

Posted on:2007-08-19Degree:M.P.HType:Thesis
University:University of Alberta (Canada)Candidate:Basualdo-Hammond, Carlota GraceFull Text:PDF
GTID:2444390005966210Subject:Health Sciences
This study was undertaken to improve understanding of what factors impact dietitian time per case and to develop a predictive model for determining dietitian staffing levels. Dietitian workload measurement data, nutrition risk classification levels, reason for service codes, age, gender, repeat patients and diagnosis groups for patients seen were obtained for 2002 - 2003. Analysis focused on tertiary care, adults (N=5811) and pediatrics (N=2610). Stepwise linear regression analysis was used to study what factors contributed to total time per case, and to create models for both adults and pediatrics. Length of stay had the largest impact on time per case. The Nutrition Risk Classification (levels 1 to 4) and reason for service (education, malnutrition, enteral and parenteral nutrition) significantly contributed to the model and predicted time per case. Repeat case contributed to the model for pediatrics only. Regression equations may provide an estimate of dietitian time needed per hospitalized patient in tertiary care.
Keywords/Search Tags:Time per case, Dietitian, Model, Impact, Care, Nutrition
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