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The effects of forest management on arboreal lichen and mite communities in Adirondack northern hardwood forests

Posted on:2007-11-16Degree:M.SType:Thesis
University:State University of New York College of Environmental Science and ForestryCandidate:Root, Heather TFull Text:PDF
Macrolichen communities were described in the boles and crowns of 81 Acer saccharum trees in three replicate stands in each of three stand types: old growth; selection system; reserve shelterwood. Fifty-two macrolichen taxa were sampled. Total lichen cover on A. saccharum did not differ among stand types. Lichen communities on large and small trees differed between old growth and reserve shelterwood. Lichen community composition was also strongly related to tree diameter and height above ground. Mites on 12 trees were extracted from bark, crustose lichen Pertusaria velata , and foliose lichens Flavoparmelia caperata, Parmelia squarrosa , and Punctelia rudecta. In all, 877 individuals were sampled representing nine non-oribatid mite families and 25 oribatid mite species including three undescribed species. Mean mite abundance was sevenfold greater in Punctelia rudecta than on bark. Mite community composition differed among bark, crustose lichen and foliose lichens, but not among the different species of foliose lichens.
Keywords/Search Tags:Lichen, Mite, Communities
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