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Lichen symbiont responses to sulfur dioxide and comparison to their respective whole lichen species

Posted on:1998-09-09Degree:Ph.DType:Thesis
University:Arizona State UniversityCandidate:Goldsmith, Steven JackFull Text:PDF
Techniques allowing for culturing and manipulation were employed to isolate five fungal symbionts and three green algae from their respective whole lichen symbiosis. The lichen species were chosen based on two criteria: (1) previous reports on species sensitivity to SO;The above changes indicate initial damage to photosynthetic, respiratory and membrane integrity. Recovery one week after fumigation was species specific and offers insight to relative species sensitivity to SO;The initial net photosynthesis rate declined for the more sensitive photobionts and whole lichen species. Respiration increased from the initial rates in the photobionts but remained the same or decreased in two of the mycobiont species. Whole lichen species showed a significant decrease in control and fumigated respiration rates, however, no significant percent changes were noted between the control and fumigated sample. Depletion measurements in mycobionts showed a decrease in CO...
Keywords/Search Tags:Whole lichen, Species
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