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Depleted amino acids and sodium butyrate alter the phenotype and genotype of cell lines expressing rHuEPO

Posted on:2007-11-02Degree:Ph.DType:Thesis
University:University of Colorado Health Sciences CenterCandidate:Crowell, Christopher KenyonFull Text:PDF
Previous studies have demonstrated that cell culture environments can affect the productivity and oligosaccharide machinery of cells producing recombinant proteins and antibodies. These changes may represent direct effects of the new environment on enzyme activities, altered gene expression, or complex interactions between these two mechanisms. By altering the media components for both a Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) and human HT1080 cell lines expressing recombinant human erythropoietin (rHuEPO) we are attempting to correlate how these environmental changes alter rHuEPO synthesis and glycosylation mechanistically. Our data will begin, for the first time, to define an altered glycoprotein phenotype through both genomic and functional analysis. It is our belief that a greater mechanistic understanding of the processes affecting oligosaccharide content will lead to better cellular environments that match glycoprotein productivity with desirable glycoform content.
Keywords/Search Tags:Cell
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