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Public bioethics: An intermediary between public health and the media

Posted on:2008-04-13Degree:M.P.HType:Thesis
University:University of Nevada, RenoCandidate:Carry, Wendy MFull Text:PDF
A connection exists between bioethics, public health, and the media. The media use bioethicists as framers of issues for the public, because bioethicists clarify complex public health issues for the media. Background. Bioethicists claim they are being misrepresented by the media, and feel strongly about their continued interaction. Methods. A content analysis of eight news sources, for the years 2001, 2003, and 2005 were evaluated for: professional identification, perception of the identified, and the issues covered by the bioethicist. Results. 314 articles were evaluated and contained 640 identifications. Perceptions of the identified bioethicist shown that 71% were neutral, 24% positive, and 7% negative for all three nonconsecutive years combined. Conclusion. Bioethicists should attempt in everyway possible to continue communicating with the media. Bioethicist-media communication can provide for an informed reader base.
Keywords/Search Tags:Media, Public health, Bioethicists
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