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Facilitating patient safety learning in the workplace

Posted on:2010-06-27Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:Royal Roads University (Canada)Candidate:Leach, Christine AFull Text:PDF
The ACB is dedicated to providing education that embraces learning from harmful events in an effort to prevent recurrence. This action research project explored the question "In what ways can the Alberta Cancer Board (ACB) facilitate patient safety learning in the workplace?" An intensive literature review, system analysis, focus groups, and survey clarified and supported the final conclusions. Effective communication and accountability were identified as the most dominant enablers of patient safety learning; and human, social, and cultural areas represent the most prevalent conditions for patient safety learning at the ACB. Structured inservices, workshops, and interdisciplinary learning opportunities were rated the most desired facilitation methods to best support patient safety learning at the ACB. The findings provide a platform to support the future design and development of patient safety education and the infrastructure to support teaching and learning opportunities at the ACB.
Keywords/Search Tags:Patient safety, ACB
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