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An economic evaluation of HIV-associated facial lipoatrophy treatments: A cost-utility analysis

Posted on:2010-04-21Degree:M.ScType:Thesis
University:University of Toronto (Canada)Candidate:Peyasantiwong, SirianongFull Text:PDF
Introduction. Facial lipoatrophy is a stigmatizing hallmark for HIV-positive status, and can lead to poor social functioning. Information gleaned from an economic evaluation of facial lipoatrophy treatments would inform policy decision making concerning potential public insurance coverage.Findings. Incremental costs per QALY were Conclusion. Our base-case analysis revealed that treatments using polyalkylimide gel offers lower ICUR than treatments using poly-l-lactic acid.Methods. A decision-analytic model was used to estimate the lifetime costs and Quality Adjusted Life Years (QALYs) gained from treatments using either poly-l-lactic or and polyalkylimide gel for HIV positive patients. Disease progression probabilities and utilities were derived from the literature. Costs were obtained from interviews with physicians and product distributors.
Keywords/Search Tags:Facial lipoatrophy, Treatments
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