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Relationships between chick traits and broiler breeder reproductive competence

Posted on:2008-10-13Degree:M.ScType:Thesis
University:University of Alberta (Canada)Candidate:Wolanski, Nicholas JohnFull Text:PDF
The goal of a hatching egg producer is to ship fertile eggs that hatch well with a high percentage of saleable chicks. In the industry there exists considerable variation in chick quality between producers and hatcheries.;Variation in chick hatch weight was lower than the variation in chick residual yolk mass. Measuring chick abdomen height and consistency were useful in quantifying yolk reserves. Additionally, growth characteristics of commercial broiler breeder flocks were evaluated through to 61 wk. In the male flock mortality and culling represented nearly 40%. Further research should look into this mortality with the objectives of defining the behavioral basis for these losses. Approximately 20% of hens had a reproductive disorder or ceased egg production by 61 wk. An oviduct eversion test enabled the prediction of laying status in hens. Information on chick quality and breeder reproductive competence allows producers to make better management decisions.
Keywords/Search Tags:Chick, Breeder, Reproductive
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