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Breeding and cultural practices of chile peppers, Capsicum spp

Posted on:2008-08-17Degree:Ph.DType:Thesis
University:Mississippi State UniversityCandidate:Chinthakuntla, Reddy RFull Text:PDF
This study evaluated horticultural characteristics and development of improved cultivars with value-added traits for capsicum breeding selection. A total of 223 accessions belonging to six Capsicum spp. viz; Capsicum annuum, Capsicum baccatum, Capsicum frutescens, Capsicum chinense, Capsicum annum var. glabriuscum, and Capsicum chacoense were used in this study. Plant genetic resource unit of USDA/ARS, Griffin Georgia, provided the accessions.;Before anthesis, the flowers on selected female parents were emasculated to enable cross-fertilization with pollen from selected male parents. This study showed that wide crossing incompatibilities could limit successful crosses between species. In 2004, seven progeny lines and twenty-five parent lines were evaluated at Alcorn State University for horticultural characteristics and development of improved cultivars with value-added traits. The F 1 progeny had early maturity, higher yields, and appeared to be adapted to Mississippi environment. Results indicated that C. annum yields were higher than yield of other species. Yield of Capsicum chinense was the second highest.;Based on horticultural evaluation of seven progeny lines and twenty five-parent lines, three F2 genotypes, C. annum (Ca15xCa8), Ca88 and C. baccatum (Cb24xCb7) were selected for detailed cultural evaluations in field trials in 2005. The genotypes were grown under three cultural practice regimes as follows: (1) Date of planting with three planting dates. (2) Plant spacing trial comprising of three spacing configurations, and (3) mulching with four mulch treatments. Fruit yield was similar in all three genotypes at first and second dates of planting, but declined considerably at the third planting date for the two progenies. Planting Chile pepper in April or May in Mississippi, could be optimum for maximum yield. The genotype Ca15xCa8 had consistently high yield and may be adapted to Mississippi, followed by Ca88. Yield of all genotypes increased with increasing spacing from medium (90 m2 x .30 m2 ) to wider (1.20 m2 x.45 m2). At narrow spacing, plant yield was generally lower, but yield per unit area was higher, whereas, at wider spacing, yield per plant was higher but yield per unit area was lower. Regardless of genotypes, yield was highest with plastic mulch. Among genotypes, progeny Ca15xCa8 gave consistently higher yields in all mulch treatments followed by Ca88 genotype.
Keywords/Search Tags:Capsicum, Yield, Cultural, Genotypes, Higher, Per, Progeny
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