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Development of remote sensing techniques for the implementation of site-specific herbicide management

Posted on:2008-09-17Degree:M.ScType:Thesis
University:University of Lethbridge (Canada)Candidate:Eddy, Peter RFull Text:PDF
Selective application of herbicide in agricultural cropping systems provides both economic and environmental benefits. Implementation of this technology requires knowledge of the location and density of weed species within a crop. In this study, two image classification techniques (Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) and Maximum Likelihood Classification (MLC)) are compared for accuracy in weed/crop species discrimination. In the summer of 2005, high spatial resolution (1.25mm) ground-based hyperspectral image data were acquired over field plots of three crop species seeded with two weed species. Image data were segmented using a threshold technique to identify vegetation for classification. The ANNs consistently outperformed MLC in single-date and multitemporal classification accuracy. With advancements in imaging technology and computer processing speed, these network models would constitute an option for real-time detection and mapping of weeds for the implementation of site-specific herbicide management.
Keywords/Search Tags:Implementation, Herbicide
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