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Seed quality and the use of organic seed treatments to improve crop performance

Posted on:2011-07-22Degree:M.ScType:Thesis
University:Dalhousie University (Canada)Candidate:Kerr, Donald StuartFull Text:PDF
Low crop establishment on organic farms can lead to increased weed populations and reduced yields. The objectives of this study were (1) to investigate seed quality on organic small-grain farms, and (2) to evaluate seven organic-suited commercial seed treatments for their effects on barley performance in laboratory and field-plot trials. Preliminary results from 19 samples indicate that seed quality may be an issue on organic small-grain farms, based primarily on seed purity and germination rate. In laboratory tests, seed treatments were evaluated on paired barley samples of differing quality (farm-saved and certified, aged and unaged) according to germination and vigour results. No seed treatment improved germination or vigour relative to the untreated control. Higher-quality seed had consistently better germination and vigour results than lower-quality seed. Among three field sites sown in 2007, no seed treatment increased barley crop establishment, vigour, yield, 1000-kernel or test weights relative to the untreated control.
Keywords/Search Tags:Seed, Crop, Organic, Vigour
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