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Energy systems planning for the Province of Saskatchewa

Posted on:2008-04-17Degree:M.A.ScType:Thesis
University:The University of Regina (Canada)Candidate:Liu, PengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2442390005975876Subject:Environmental Engineering
Energy has become an integral part of today's human civilization. Energy consumption is behind almost every human activity. There is a growing concern about how energy should be managed to meet a sustainable future. Energy planning has become extremely important for decision makers.;The Province of Saskatchewan is proud of its richness of natural resources, including energy resources. However, under current conditions, Saskatchewan's energy system is facing the challenges of sustainable development. Saskatchewan's per capita GHG emission is among the highest in Canadian provinces. Therefore, GHG emission control is used as a main criterion for this modeling study.;Energy planning is a challenging task because there is a great deal of uncertainty associated with future energy prices and technological development. This modeling study is designed to investigate how Saskatchewan can simultaneously meet future energy demands and achieve sustainable development under uncertainty. The model uses technology as the driving force to achieve its goal. A hybrid fuzzy-interval-parameter mixed integer programming approach is adopted for the formulation of the model.;The modeling results indicate that Saskatchewan can reach sustainable development through the help of renewable resources and nuclear power development. The projected GHG abatement costs for Saskatchewan to reach Kyoto target are within reasonable range.
Keywords/Search Tags:Energy, GHG, Development, Planning, Saskatchewan
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