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Understanding Field-Based Accessibility from the Perspective of Geoscience Department

Posted on:2018-10-06Degree:M.SType:Thesis
University:University of CincinnatiCandidate:Carabajal, Ivan GFull Text:PDF
Many traditionally-designed geoscience courses and field-experiences are unintentionally presenting barriers to active participation for students with disabilities (SWDs). As such, these barriers are potentially contributing to the under-representation of persons with disabilities in the geoscience discipline. Although geoscience organizations are calling for more inclusive approaches to geoscience education, departments have been left to independently develop inclusive curricula with little insight or pedagogical training. In order to encourage geoscience departments to implement inclusive instruction, we must first understand current practices on promoting accessible field experiences.;This document reports the findings from a study on the conceptions that geoscience instructors and U.S. geology departments have regarding field-based accessibility. This study collected survey data from 160 two-year and four-year geology departments and follow-up interview data from three geoscience instructors from different institutions. Data collected included information on departmental practices when attempting to provide adequate field experiences for SWDs, department confidence in assessing field site accessibility, and the culture of access and inclusion in their own geoscience department. Reported practices were thematically analyzed according to: (1) modifications, (2) accommodations, (3) adaptations, and (4) accessible options. Interview data revealed instructor insight on accessible instructor practice, strategies for student success, the challenges associated with accessible instruction, and department-wide inclusivity for SWDs. This study promotes inclusive field-based instruction through critical insights on current departmental practices.
Keywords/Search Tags:Geoscience, Field, Swds, Accessibility, Inclusive, Practices, Accessible
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