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Analysis of reflective cracking treatments

Posted on:2009-04-05Degree:M.S.C.EType:Thesis
University:University of ArkansasCandidate:Tamayo, Sarah AnnFull Text:PDF
Geosynthetics and stress absorbing membrane interlayers are two common methods used to reduce/delay reflective cracking in hot mix asphalt overlays. This paper analyzes whether geosynthetic fabrics, geosynthetic composites, heavy duty membrane, and stress absorbing membrane interlayers work to reduce/delay reflective cracking. The products were tested on a roadway with unique joint geometry. The joints are on average two inches in width and have only 30 percent joint load transfer efficiency. Due to the structural condition of the joints the products ability to reduce/delay reflective cracking was determined using the reflective cracking at the mid-slab cracks. From the evaluation of the test performed it was determined that the products worked as well as products from past studies reviewed. It was also determined that the Nashville site should not have been chosen for this study. Valuable lessons were learned from the study and will be implemented in future studies.
Keywords/Search Tags:Reflective cracking
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