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Office garden

Posted on:2008-05-14Degree:M.I.DType:Thesis
University:University of Manitoba (Canada)Candidate:Wei, WeiFull Text:PDF
Productivity and creativity are integral to ensuring that an architectural firm remains competitive in the design market. In this practicum, I explore an application of interior design strategies derived from the theory of Chinese garden design to take advantage of the positive impact of nature on people and to benefit designers' creativity and performance. The philosophy behind Chinese garden design is a harmonization of humans and nature. Design strategies such as changing views, small evoking large, and integration of natural elements are developed from Chinese garden design theory to connect designers with nature from interior spaces. I use the design of a workplace for an architectural design firm in Winnipeg as an example applying this theory.;My study shows that there are presently no examples describing the application of Chinese garden design theory to offices. This practicum represents an initial work toward this challenge.
Keywords/Search Tags:Chinese garden design, Theory
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