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Inhabiting the terminus: Creating density in Vaughan through an exploration of mid-rise, mid-density form and mass transit infrastructure

Posted on:2009-01-19Degree:M.ArchType:Thesis
University:Dalhousie University (Canada)Candidate:Rai, SatinderFull Text:PDF
The subway is arriving into the suburb of Vaughan. The Toronto Transit Corporation (TTC) is extending the Spadina/University subway line northwards, terminating at Jane Street and Highway 7. This extension offers the potential to explore new models of living not currently existing in post-war suburbs in southern Ontario. Previous subway extensions in Toronto failed to create a relationship between pedestrians arriving and departing from the subway and the resulting influence on form, density and open spaces that could potentially result. In this thesis, pedestrian movement is used as the generator of form, creating meaningful connections between housing, open space and mass-transit infrastructure. A mid-rise, mid-density, mixed-use neighbourhood, whose form is generated by the influence of pedestrian movement is proposed to create neighbourhoods in the Vaughan Corporate Centre site. These neighbourhoods are self-contained and inward-focused, allowing residents to live, work, shop and play within walking distance, thus reducing automobile dependency.
Keywords/Search Tags:Vaughan, Form, Subway
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