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Ergonomics in the safety and health laboratory at the University of Central Missouri

Posted on:2011-07-23Degree:M.SType:Thesis
University:University of Central MissouriCandidate:Rotich, Pauline ChebichiiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2442390002965236Subject:Health Sciences
Musculoskeletal disorders due to poor ergonomic practices are an occupational safety risk with significant consequences. There is limited research and very little practical applications of ergonomics knowledge and principles in the construction of classrooms, school building facilities, learning and teaching processes, curricula or organizational structures and environments. Thus, it is probably fair to state that the current state of knowledge about ergonomics in universities and especially in laboratories is limited. Therefore, it is critical that computer laboratories perform risk assessment analysis and implement appropriate corrective actions where necessary. This research project will evaluate ergonomics in the safety and health computer lab at UCM using physical measurements, REBA, OSHA e-tool and risk matrices. Cumulatively, this study provides value-added analytical tools for academic and professional settings and evaluates the state of ergonomics while providing tools and methods to reduce injury and promote comfort and health.
Keywords/Search Tags:Ergonomics, Safety, Health
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