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Thermal behavior of dry-type transformer

Posted on:2010-12-15Degree:M.Sc.AType:Thesis
University:Ecole Polytechnique, Montreal (Canada)Candidate:Zhu, Da WeiFull Text:PDF
Temperature rise is one of the most critical factors that affect the reliability of transformer. Excessive rise can easily lead to serious damages to the transformers. Therefore, temperature estimation plays an important role in engineering for commercial companies. Moreover, it is also not practical to connect the transformer for loading with full rated capacity at the end of the assembly process. Although this would directly simulate the transformer operating condition, the total input power will be dissipated in the load.;This project includes: (1) Commissioning of the test bench including the power supply and the measurement apparatus. (2) Core losses and winding losses measurements in open circuit, short circuit and loading back test of two 30kVA dry type transformer. (3) Calculation and analysis of the temperature rise of two real transformers.;In fact, the transformer temperature rise depends on several factors which make temperature estimation complicated and a sophisticated procedure. In this project, based on extensive experimental measurements on two 30 kVA dry-type transformers, we compare the separate excitation loss and rated current method and the loading back method in order to determine their thermal behavior and validate equations found in standard IEEE C57.12.91 - 2001.
Keywords/Search Tags:Transformer, Rise, Temperature
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