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Exploring a conventional armed forces treaty for South America

Posted on:2011-05-21Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:Georgetown UniversityCandidate:Guevara Moyano, Hector IFull Text:PDF
GTID:2442390002462839Subject:Latin American Studies
In recent years South American countries have been engaged in the acquisition of conventional weapons on a far greater scale than in the previous three decades. This has led several actors to comment on the possibility of an arms competition developing in the region. Such a dynamic would prove detrimental for a region that has undergone economic hardship and financial underachievement.The region has proven capable of solving intra-regional disputes through dialogue and diplomacy, thanks in large part to a prevailing institutionalism.This thesis explores options and outlines a scenario for the design and implementation of a conventional arms control regime. This would be just one in several confidence building tools aimed to promote transparency, understanding, trust, cooperation and development in region that will enhance stability and security in the world.
Keywords/Search Tags:Conventional, Region
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