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Comparison of pilot performance using a conventional and a frequency-separated display ADI

Posted on:2003-04-06Degree:M.A.ScType:Thesis
University:University of Toronto (Canada)Candidate:Lan, Joseph Kin YipFull Text:PDF
This report presents the results of an experiment designed to study the relative merits of a conventional moving horizon attitude director indicator (ADI), and an alternate frequency separated display (FSD) ADI. The performance of naïve test subjects was investigated while flying four lateral control tasks (level tracking, heading changes, sudden attitude upsets, and unusual attitude recoveries) under instrument conditions in a flight simulator configured as a T-33 jet trainer. Secondary tasks were employed to increase overall workload.; Twenty-four subjects participated, with approximately 14.5 hours of simulator time each. Both objective and subjective measurements were taken, and independent experimental variables were: ADI type, simulator motion present/absent, and secondary task type. Overall, the FSD demonstrated slight improvements in pilot performance over the conventional ADI. While the advantages were not drastic, there were no apparent negative effects, suggesting further investigation of the FSD would be worthwhile.
Keywords/Search Tags:ADI, Conventional, FSD, Performance
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