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Using under-road tunnels to protect a declining population of long-toed salamanders (Ambystoma macrodactylum) in Waterton Lakes National Park

Posted on:2011-01-28Degree:M.ScType:Thesis
University:University of Alberta (Canada)Candidate:Pagnucco, Katie SFull Text:PDF
I investigated the value of under-road tunnels as a conservation strategy to protect a long-toed salamander population, in south-west Alberta, whose overwintering sites and breeding habitat (Linnet Lake) are separated by a road. I conducted a mark-recapture study from 2008-2009, capturing salamanders using roadside fences and pitfall traps. Four tunnels were monitored in 2009 using traps and cameras. A 2008 estimate indicated that the population declined by 60% since 1994, however, road mortality was dramatically reduced following installation of fences and tunnels. Camera and trap data documented 130 salamanders navigating tunnels in 2009. I found little evidence of juvenile recruitment from Linnet Lake, likely because of predation by lake chub. Experiments showed that lake chub consumed salamander larvae, and fish presence altered larval behaviour. Continued monitoring is needed to determine if reduced road mortality translates into population gains, and whether fish predation threatens the persistence of the long-toed salamander population.
Keywords/Search Tags:Population, Long-toed, Salamander, Road, Tunnels, Lake, Using
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