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Justice in environmental impact analysis: Are all neighborhoods equal

Posted on:2008-01-14Degree:M.SType:Thesis
University:San Jose State UniversityCandidate:Marquez, Ada EdithFull Text:PDF
GTID:2441390005973545Subject:Environmental Sciences
Environmental Impact Assessment documents (EIAs) provide a direct record of the decision-making process used in identifying and reducing environmental pollution in different neighborhoods, yet they have never before been used to assess environmental justice. This study evaluated the quality of scientific data and in EIAs in San Jose, California, contrasting Caucasian versus Latino neighborhoods across a range of economic levels. Geographic Information System (GIS) was used to map and select projects, based on neighborhood income and dominant ethnicity. The quality of EIR air resource impact analysis and the number of overall environmental impacts were then analyzed using a standardized methodology. Results reveal that air quality analysis in dominant Latino neighborhoods was measurably weaker than in EIAs from Caucasian neighborhoods. Recommendations include requiring environmental justice analysis of EIAs, training for urban planners, and professional assistance for residents in underrepresented communities as part of the EIA process.
Keywords/Search Tags:Environmental, Impact, Eias, Neighborhoods, Justice
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