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Blue Water Dragon: China's Ascent to Maritime Power

Posted on:2011-05-04Degree:M.S.SType:Thesis
University:University of Calgary (Canada)Candidate:Stone, Simon EFull Text:PDF
GTID:2441390002955923Subject:Asian Studies
China is developing a modern, advanced blue water navy capable of projecting power over the horizon and across oceans. Building on a foundation of unique strategic heritage and military history, China is in the midst of a significant shift in strategy. Determined to retain its historical position of primacy in the region, and bolstered by a burgeoning economy, China's navy is the leading edge of a modern reformation. Beijing requires a fleet capable of protecting far-flung lines of communication and shipping lanes that deliver sustained economic growth. As such, the People's Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) is undertaking a dramatic modernization accompanied by a bold new strategic vision -- the PLAN as a blue water navy.
Keywords/Search Tags:Blue water
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