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Contested Science in the Global Warming Controversy

Posted on:2011-12-01Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:University of Calgary (Canada)Candidate:Zajko, Michael CFull Text:PDF
The global warming controversy involves public disagreements over various scientific, political, and moral issues, with significant implications for humanity. Participants in the controversy employ opposing scientific claims concerning the climate, as well as competing definitions of science, and different rhetorical attempts to redraw or close off the boundaries of legitimate debate. Recent developments have also revealed the power of a new online medium in the controversy that has enabled "climate skeptics" to challenge traditional scientific boundaries, and provided the means for all sides to engage with a broader public on the topic. The global warming controversy demonstrates the range of possibilities in the establishment of global warming expertise, as has been constructed by a number of prominent public actors without traditional scientific credentials. However, the discourse of the debate continues to be dominated by problematic conceptions of scientific truth and objectivity, which this work ultimately cautions against.
Keywords/Search Tags:Global warming, Controversy, Scientific
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