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Research On The Trade Effect Of China's FTA From The Perspective Of Heterogeneity

Posted on:2021-01-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:T LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2439330620962880Subject:applied economics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In today's world,due to the continuous promotion of global economic integration,countries around the world are increasingly concerned about the signing of FTA.At the same time,trade frictions between economic powers are constantly emerging.In contrast,the process of WTO is relatively complex and the progress is relatively slow,while the signing of FTA is relatively flexible and the legal enforceability is relatively high,which is very helpful for all countries to pursue more interests in the new round,so it is concerned by all countries.In this context,at the beginning of 2018,as Trump's trade protection policy became more and more fierce,and various "US priority" policies were introduced,the trade frictions between China and the United States intensified,and a trade war broke out.At the same time,the trade environment China faced became more severe,and the uncertainty of international trade rules also increased,By the end of 2019,China has signed 19 FTAs with 26 economies.Because of the obvious trend of "anti globalization" and the deepening of the division of labor in the global value chain,it is necessary to re test the trade effect of the FTA that has been signed and has taken effect at present,and its result can be the latest data support for the construction of the free trade zone strategy.This paper mainly evaluates the trade effect from the perspective of FTA heterogeneity on the basis of previous studies,mainly including the heterogeneity of FTA content and the heterogeneity of contracting objects.In the former aspect,we use horn's(2010)method for reference to build the content heterogeneity index of China's FTA.On the basis of analyzing the content heterogeneity characteristics of China's FTA,we introduce a relatively large distance with trade relevance In terms of openness and political friendliness,this paper analyzes the impact of the economic development scale of partner countries on trade.In the latter aspect,it mainly analyzes the economic development degree of trade partner countries,and analyzes the differences of China's export profitability in empirical analysis.The results show that FTA has significantly promoted China's import and export trade,and the promotion effect on import is far greater than that on export.The wider the scope of the terms and the stronger the legal enforceability,the greater the trade promotion effect of FTA,and the greater the trade effect of China's deep FTA with small and developing countries.And it is more conducive to promote the trade effect of our country to sign FTA with countries(regions)with better political relations and higher openness to the outside world.For countries(regions)with different export profits,it is important to sign FTA with countries(regions)with higher export profits.Finally,the paper puts forward some suggestions,such as building flexible FTA,signing FTA with China as the axis as far as possible,and leading the development of all countries as a big country.
Keywords/Search Tags:FTA Heterogeneity, trade effect, gravity model
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