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A Case Study Of The Privatization Of Stocks In US Listing

Posted on:2021-02-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H Z LiuFull Text:PDF
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Due to the high threshold of the domestic capital market,a long period of review is required before listing,and a large number of emerging companies choose to list overseas in order to obtain better financing opportunities.However,due to the strict supervision of overseas markets,Chinese stock companies have different strengths and weaknesses,and frequent information fraud.American short-sellers have repeatedly attacked Chinese stock companies,and many Chinese stock companies are facing pressure to delist.In recent years,with the improvement of domestic policies and increasing attention to China's stocks,Many Chinese stock companies choose to delist from the privatization of overseas capital markets and return to the domestic capital market.Delisting boom.In this context,the issue of privatization and delisting has attracted the attention of many people.Therefore,the author takes the privatization and delisting of Jumeiyoupin as a case,studies the privatization and delisting of China's stocks,and puts forward some objective suggestions for the return of China's stocks in the future.This article uses the literature research method,case analysis method,qualitative and quantitative research method to analyze the case.It starts from the underestimation of the direct driver value of the first privatization of Jumei Youpin in 2016,and analyzes with other drivers Based on the reasons for Jumei Youpin's privatization and delisting,based on financial report data and stock market data,this analysis has caused the decline in corporate profitability,a significant increase in operating expenses,and an increase in the trust crisis between China and the US in the United States.This article compares premium data with other privatized and delisted companies,and analyzes the specific internal causes of the failure of privatization of Jumei Youpin,that is,low-priced acquisitions,coupled with tightening domestic policies and ethical condemnation in the industry,which led to this privatization s failure.After that,I combed and analyzed the new privatization of Jumei Youpin in 2020,and looked forward to the future development of Jumei.The key chapters of this article combine the annual financial report data of Jumeiyoupin and the research report of the e-commerce industry to use the income method and the market method to evaluate the corporate value respectively,and make a detailed calculation of the undervalue of Jumeiyoupin's corporate value.And parsing.From the perspective of a listed company,it is necessary to make trade-offs based on its own development stage positioning and make a cautious decision to go public;Chinese companies that want to privatize should clearly understand their intentions to delist,and rationally decide to delist and rationally formulate a delisting.Plan,prepare solutions in advance Facing the difficulties that may be encountered during the delisting process;investors should choose investment companies carefully;the supervisory department should regulate and supervise the problems in the privatization and delisting of Chinese stocks,and improve Legal system for protecting minority shareholders' rights.
Keywords/Search Tags:Go private, US-traded Chinese companies, Jumei Youpin
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