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Research On Marketing Strategy Of Guangxi Beihai Sea Duck Egg Brand

Posted on:2020-05-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:T LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2439330605969907Subject:Rural and regional development
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The rapid development of e-commerce and "Internet+Logistics" has brought unpre cedented opportunities for the development of the Beihai sea duck egg industry.As Chin a is about to enter the 5G era,mobile e-commerce will grow as the sun is just rising.A gr eater consumer market will be opening for Beihai sea duck eggs through the internet.Un der this background,the number of Beihai sea duck egg enterprises is steadily increasing.The sea duck egg products are also becoming more and more diverse.Competition has g radually shifting from price competition,quality competition and service competition to brand competition.With the rise of brand competition,effective brand marketing strategy,viz.creating a good brand image as well as enhancing brand recognition and reputation,expanding market share and increasing product sales are all important factors for increasi ng profits.At present,an initial development is made for brand marketing and some resul ts are achieved for Beihai sea duck eggs,however,many problems are existing.Beihai Se a Duck Eggs has already started developing brand marketing with some results,however,there are still many problems to be resolved.In this paper,we have chosen Beihai sea duck eggs as the research object.We have comprehensively utilized the literature analysis method,theoretical analysis method,and investigation research method.The research is based on brand positioning theory,brand i mage theory,brand equity theory,brand extension theory and brand experience theory.T he study was carried out through research and study of Beihai Sea Duck Eggs industry st atus and market demand characteristics,market competition characteristics and analysis o f sea duck egg's brand marketing environment;through the distribution of questionnaires,research and study of Beihai Sea Duck Eggs brand positioning status,brand communicat ion status,brand recognition,brand loyalty and so on.Through the study we found some Beihai Sea Duck Eggs' brand problems,such as deviation of brand position,lack of pers onality of brand,insufficient brand communication,insufficient brand extension,single b rand experience and low brand value.In response to these problems,the paper combined with the development of information technology and the popularization of mobile e-com merce,proposing a marketing optimization strategy for Beihai Sea Duck Eggs brand fro m the aspects of brand positioning,brand image,brand extension,brand communication,brand experience,brand equity and so on,putting forward the concept of Marketing Strat egy of Mobile E-commerce Platform,pointing out that enterprises should provide guaran tees for brand marketing strategies from the aspects of having good quality control,a tea m of talented and professional personnel,incentive system,brand culture and so on,ensu ring the smooth implementation of the brand's marketing strategy and thus ensuring its o ptimal efficiency.This paper aims to make a breakthrough in the research of brand marketing strategy by using the ideas and attempts proposed for Beihai Sea Duck Eggs brand marketing strat egy.I hope that the conclusions of this paper can provide some reference and ideas for Be ihai Sea Duck Eggs to consider in their endeavor of brand marketing.
Keywords/Search Tags:Beihai Sea Duck Eggs, Brand, Brand Marketing, Strategy
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