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Research On The Efficiency Of The Financial Support System For New Urbanization

Posted on:2019-02-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L N AnFull Text:PDF
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With the development of economy,the implementation of industrialization has formed the spatial aggregation of the factors of production to bring about urbanization.In the early days,the urbanization of our country developed rapidly,but it did not produce the corresponding urbanization.Faced with this situation,the eighteen party put forward the new urbanization,emphasizing on the core of human beings,realizing the transformation from township to city in terms of industrial support,human settlements,lifestyle and so on,and ultimately realizing the urbanization of population.In the process of new urbanization,infrastructure construction and upgrading of industrial structure need a lot of financial support.Financial support alone is obviously not enough.At this time,the financial system can provide necessary financial support for the construction of new urbanization through its resource allocation,risk management,financing,liquidation,payment and incentive functions.It can be seen that the level of financial efficiency affects the speed of the development of new urbanization.At present,about the new urbanization and financial support of the research on the interaction of more,this paper combines theoretical analysis and empirical analysis,qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis,normative analysis and empirical analysis from the financial efficiency of China's regional financial relationship between efficiency and new urbanization.This paper first expounds the new theory of urbanization,the theory of financial efficiency and the interaction mechanism between the new urbanization and financial support.After that,it describes the current situation and development trend of the main body of financial demand and the main body of financial supply in China.On this basis,it explains the financial efficiency evaluation system for new urbanization,including the evaluation target and content of new urbanization financial efficiency,the design principles of efficiency evaluation index and some common efficiency evaluation methods.After that,this paper establishes an evaluation model of financial efficiency DEA,selected financial institutions and foreign currency deposits,financial institutions and foreign currency loans of commercial banks,large number of employees,the original premium income as the financial efficiency of the selected input indicators,the per capita GDP and disposable income of urban residents,colleges and universities(Institutions)per capita the public library has reserves per thousand population,medical and health institutions,beds,green coverage rate as the output index of financial efficiency.According to the data from the 2014 national 31 provinces and autonomous regions through the empirical analysis of China's East and West,in the three part of the financial efficiency,the financial efficiency of the eastern provinces of the highest average,financial efficiency mean central provinces in the eastern provinces,the lowest average financial efficiency.After that,we used the same method to calculate the eastern,middle and western regional finance from 2003 to 2016.We found that the three parts of the eastern,middle and western financial efficiency increased year by year,and the eastern region has the highest financial efficiency,Nakabe Jinno,the lowest in the West.The financial efficiency of each region has fluctuated,and the difference has an expanding trend.After measuring the total Gini coefficient from 2003 to 2016,we can see that the overall trend of regional financial efficiency in China is rising first and then decreasing and rising.Finally,by calculating the Tagore coefficient from 2003 to 2016,we can see that the difference of the financial efficiency between the three parts of China's East,middle and West is increasing and has an upward trend.Finally,in order to reduce the regional financial efficiency of our differences,improve financial efficiency,make the financial system better service new urbanization is put forward to implement the regional difference of the macro-control policy,improve the financial system,financial innovation function,improve the financial services policy recommendations.
Keywords/Search Tags:New urbanization, Financial efficiency, DEA model
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