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Competitive Strategy Research Of WX Food Co.,Ltd.

Posted on:2020-12-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2439330602454774Subject:Business administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since the party' s 19th National Congress,the state has further increased its support for the development of traditional agriculture to industrialization.At the same time,with the continuous deepening of the global economy and the continuous integration of the Internet economy,traditional agricultural industrialization enterprises have ushered in a new Market structure.Among the enterprises that have developed from the direction of traditional agriculture to industrialization,food processing enterprises can be regarded as the main force.In order to improve the competitiveness of enterprise products,major food processing companies are in urgent need of finding a competitive strategy that suits them,in order to occupy a favorable position in the increasingly fierce market competition.As a leading agricultural industrialization enterprise,WX Food Co.,Ltd.,in order to maintain its high-speed development momentum in an increasingly competitive environment and further stabilize the domestic and international markets,it is necessary to clarify its own competitive advantages and determine the long-term future development of the company.Competitive strategy,opening up new avenues for fulfilling the company's vision and fulfilling the company's mission.This paper mainly uses the literature research method and interview method.Firstly,collect the macro background of enterprise development,accurately grasp the local economic policies,industrial conditions,patents and their protection,and the level of technical commercialization,and analyze them with PEST analysis.At the same time,we must also use the "five-force model" proposed by Porter.The analysis method has a clear understanding of the current status of the industry in which the company is located.The EFE matrix analysis method is used to quantitatively analyze the macro environment.The opportunities that the enterprise faces are:the government supports the agricultural product food processing industry and the domestic economy continues to develop steadily.The people's income has increased;the international and domestic economic situation has gradually improved,and the people's income has also risen.People pay more attention to the health and quality of products when they buy food.The domestic enterprises that process ginger and garlic intensively do not have strong enough brand influence.Force;the emergence of "Internet+|" brings new opportunities.The threats faced by enterprises include:Europe,the United States,Japan and South Korea and other countries to improve China's agricultural food and food barriers;low entry barriers to the industry,making domestic competition in the same industry fierce,large market supply;high bargaining power of consumers;low added value of products,food processing industry Improvement of quality standards,etc.Secondly,using the value chain as an analytical tool to clarify the company's value creation and value-added process,and using the IFE matrix as an analytical method to quantify the impact of various factors,we can see that the company's own advantages are:have a good production base resources,and universities,etc.Carry out technical cooperation,strong product research and development capabilities,brand recognition by domestic and international,high quality products,high quality raw materials and advanced technology.The disadvantages of the enterprise itself are:the linear system structure is not efficient,the high-skilled talents are lacking,the enterprise management information construction is backward,the service capacity in the online sales channel is relatively lagging,the staff training has not yet reached full coverage,and the overall quality is still low.Third,the SWOT analysis tool is used to comprehensively analyze the internal and external factors of the enterprise and lay the foundation for formulating the corporate strategy.According to the development status and objectives of WX Company,the feasibility analysis of three basic competitive strategies is carried out to determine that enterprises should choose the differentiation strategy,which is mainly implemented from several aspects such as product,service,brand building and marketing,and proposes optimization organization.Safeguard measures such as restructuring,reconfiguring human resource systems,improving information systems,and strengthening risk control to ensure the implementation of differentiated competitive strategies.The innovation of this paper is mainly manifested in two aspects.First,in the research process,it integrates the special background of "Belt and Road",Internet economy,e-commerce,etc.,comprehensively analyzes the macro environment faced by enterprises,and finds new by integrating into the new development environment.Development opportunities,using advanced means such as big data,accurately selecting marketing methods,quickly and stably occupying the market;second,in terms of article value,this paper mainly studies the current situation faced by the food processing industry in agricultural industrialization enterprises,for the entire industry Development puts forward a practical direction,and the developed competitive strategy can be used as a reference for other enterprises in the industry to improve the development level of the enterprise and provide better services for the broad masses of the people.
Keywords/Search Tags:Agricultural industrialization enterprise, Competitive strategy, Differentiation strategy
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