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The Financial Strategy Optimization Under The Asset-Light Bussiness Model For Souyute Company

Posted on:2020-01-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:N WuFull Text:PDF
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At present,the development of China's garment industry is facing new challenges.The international trade gap between China and the United States is constant.The market for products exported to developed countries is limited.The competitiveness of clothing industry in Southeast Asia continues to increase,and the exchange rate of the RMB is fluctuating.Domestic,the labor costs of clothing enterprises are rising,and the cost of business is rising.The international transfer of the apparel industry has accelerated,and Chinese apparel companies have long been in the middle and low-end manufacturing.This business model is difficult to sustain,and the light asset model has become the choice of many enterprises.At the same time,the information technology revolution,online sales in the context of new industrialization has increased significantly,physical store sales have been greatly affected,and corporate supply chain coordination costs have declined.These business model changes require financial strategies to be adjusted accordingly.Souyute Co., such a light asset-income model enterprise,which focuses on shifting the production chain of products,and focuses on high-end links such as product R&D and design,supply chain management,which to some extent souyute brings good financial effects,but it can also find problems that still exist.Therefore,this paper proposes optimization suggestions by identifying problems and combining the current situation of environmental companies.Searching for special research objects,mapping most light assets to operate domestic apparel companies,to a certain extent,can also bring reference to these companies.Based on this,this article takes Souyute Special Clothing Co., theresearch object,and discusses the current light asset model through case study,including production outsourcing,brand management construction,product R&D design,etc.,according to light asset model and finance.The strategic theory,from the financial data of its annual report,and the financial characteristics of its light asset model,through the data review and analysis of its current financial strategy under the light asset model.Then analyze the financial performance of the company's profitability,operational capability,development capability,cash flow acquisition capability,and value creation ability,and comprehensively evaluate the financial indicators related to the operation and performance,and obtain a high level of search and financial performance.The special profitability,value creation ability,operational ability and growth ability are all strong,and its light asset model has a positive driving effect on corporate performance.However,there are still some problems,such as low main business and low profit margins,weak currency liquidity and low cash flow.On the basis of the previous article,the article analyzes the financial strategy under the special light asset model,including the single financing structure and the weak driving force of investment.Combine SWOT analysis with financial strategy matrix optimization and analysis to analyze the internal and external environment of the enterprise and the financial strategy direction that should be used.As a reference,formulate financial strategy optimization suggestions for solving these problems,including multi-channel financing,optimize financing structure,and strengthen accounts receivable.Management,diversified investment,etc.
Keywords/Search Tags:souyute, light asset model, financial strategy, strategic optimization
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