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Study On The Financial Poverty Alleviation Of Commercial Banks In Mengjin County

Posted on:2020-10-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C F HanFull Text:PDF
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Since the reform and opening up,China's social and economic development has made achievements that the western world has looked at and studied.Poverty alleviation work also takes the rapid economic development as a planned,organized and large-scale feature.In November 2013,General Secretary Xi Jinping put forward the requirements of precise poverty alleviation for China's poverty alleviation work.The government work report of 2018 pointed out that China's poverty alleviation work is very important.Population has decreased by 68 million,and the incidence of poverty has dropped from 10.2% to 3.1%.In August 2018,the State promulgated the Guiding Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on the Three-Year Action to Win the Strong Fight against Poverty,which clearly put forward that by the end of 2020,all the rural poor people will be lifted out of poverty and all the poor counties will be taken off their hats.In 2018,a total of 1217,000 rural poor people in Henan Province were lifted out of poverty.33 poverty-stricken counties are expected to take off their hats,and they are demanding that "adhere to the precise strategy and put the quality of poverty eradication first".The work of poverty alleviation is carried out from the top to the bottom.Poverty-stricken people are distributed among the grass-roots units,which requires grass-roots organizations to work hard in accordance with the central deployment.The deepening of poverty alleviation can not be separated from the participation of financial institutions.Under the current political and economic system in China,local commercial banks play an irreplaceable role in poverty alleviation in China.This paper studies the poverty alleviation situation of commercial banks in Mengjin County,a county-level organization.By sorting out and integrating the poverty alleviation methods of different commercial banks,combining with the existing theory of poverty alleviation of commercial banks and some local experience,it points out the problems existing in the commercial bank system of Mengjin County,and then puts forward some pertinent suggestions.The first part is the introduction,including the research background,research purpose and significance,research status at home and abroad,as well as research content and ideas.The second part is the related concepts and theoretical basis of commercial banks' poverty alleviation,including the concept of poverty,the concept of poverty alleviation and the concept of financial poverty alleviation.The third part introduces the poverty alleviation situation of Mengjin County and local commercial banks,and shows the poverty alleviation situation of different commercial banks.The fourth part is to analyze the problems and causes of poverty alleviation in Mengjin Commercial Bank.The fifth part is the solution to the problem of poverty alleviation in Mengjin Commercial Bank.
Keywords/Search Tags:Commercial banks, Financial poverty alleviation, Multi-party cooperation
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