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The Strategy Optimization Of Chuying Agro

Posted on:2020-12-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:P C ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2439330578450331Subject:Business Administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
When facing the same external industry risks,different enterprises choose different development strategies and form different development paths.Some of them have strong ability to resist risks,and some of them are weak enough to withstand the shrinking market value.After the Eagle Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Company went public in 2010,it gradually changed its development strategy focusing on pig farming,focusing on the diversification strategy layout with pig farming as the core industry chain.However,the whole industry chain strategic development mode and the core strategy of pig breeding,deepening processing,grain trade and the Internet have been implemented for two years,that is,losses.For many years,they failed to enhance the company's performance and increase the ability of enterprises to resist the risk of pig cycle.They also failed to show the potential of the company's growth.The situation of the company continued to deteriorate and investors left the field in three stages.This paper will use SWOT analysis and other strategic analysis methods to analyze the external environment and internal conditions of Eagle Farming and Animal Husbandry,collect and analyze the data of industry and enterprises themselves,adopt the research method of combining theory with practice,and analyze the enterprise strategy of Eagle Farming and Animal Husbandry Company on the basis of comprehensive analysis of the internal and external environment of Eagle Farming and Animal Husbandry Company.It is found that the core advantage of the Eagle Farming and Animal Husbandry Company lies in the experience of the breeding industry based on the Eagle Farming and Animal Husbandry Model,which has no advantage over other non-breeding businesses such as Internet and food trade.The existing vertical integration diversification development strategy can not make full use of the company's resources and competitive advantages.The Internet and food trade sector occupy a large amount of cash flow of the company and drag down the company.Financial situation,this strategy does not apply to the enterprise,Eagle Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Company should be transformed into a professional development strategy,make full use of the company's advantages,focus on pig breeding industry,to strengthen the main industry as the development goal,through strengthening the main industry to develop and grow.
Keywords/Search Tags:Enterprise Strategy, Vertical Integration, Specialized Development Strategy
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