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Multi-Level Agricultural Insurance Product System Design And Rate Calculation

Posted on:2020-02-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X WangFull Text:PDF
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The institutional superiority of agricultural insurance in agricultural risk prevention and protection,post-disaster relief and loss compensation has been proved by the experience of many countries.Since the central government's pilot subsidy for agricultural insurance in 2007,China's agricultural insurance has entered a stage of rapid development in history,and has played a significant role in compensating for agricultural risk losses,helping to overcome poverty and safeguarding national food security.In 2019,the No.1 Document of the Central Committee mentioned that “the agricultural insurance policy should be improved in accordance with the requirements for the expansion of the product for the expansion of the product”.According to the rural revitalization strategic plan,in the process of agricultural modernization in the future,China not only encourages the cultivation of new agricultural management entities,but also promotes the organic connection between small farmers and modern agricultural development.The main body of agricultural production presents a “dualistic” character.Therefore,the design of China's agricultural insurance product system should focus on the new agricultural business subject,while at the same time taking into account the needs of traditional small farmers.However,at present,China's agricultural insurance products have a simple structure and do not fully satisfy the needs of the "dualistic" subject.This paper focuses on how to build a multi-level agricultural insurance product system to meet the insurance needs of the “dualistic” subject,and to calculate the rate of multi-level agricultural insurance products,in order to solve the key technical problems in agricultural insurance practice.This paper takes China's cropping industry insurance products as an example to analyze the existing agricultural insurance products,and finds that its existence has a low level of protection,a single product structure,and the “one size fits all” agricultural insurance products are inconsistent with the “dualistic” main body requirements,and the rate determination is unscientific.problem.Therefore,based on the "dual" agricultural operation main structure in which small farmers and new agricultural management entities coexist in China,this paper draws on the successful experience of the development of American agricultural insurance products and proposes to build a multi-level agricultural insurance product system.Combining the characteristics of diversification and high expectations of agricultural insurance market,according to different types of risks and different levels of protection,the basic framework of multi-level agricultural insurance product system is designed according to the principle of cost protection,production guarantee and income retention: the first level is For the benefit of agricultural catastrophe insurance,the second level is supplementary crop yield insurance,the third level is supplementary crop full cost insurance,and the fourth level is supplementary crop income insurance.The design concept of “inclusive and complementary” not only protects the basic agricultural risks faced by small farmers,but also provides agricultural insurance products that meet the higher protection needs of new agricultural operators.On this basis,taking the wheat in Hebei Province as an example,using the output and price data,the product rate is calculated by the parameter method,and the multi-level agricultural insurance product rate table is obtained.Finally,this paper gives suggestions for guaranteeing the operation of multi-level agricultural insurance product system,with a view to China's agricultural insurance playing a greater role in safeguarding national food security,promoting agricultural modernization and improving the competitiveness of agricultural products market.The innovation of this paper mainly lies in the research perspective innovation.First,from the micro perspective of diversified market demand,systematic research on agricultural insurance product innovation is carried out,and the basic framework of multi-level agricultural insurance product system is proposed to provide ideas for improving agricultural insurance risk protection capability.Second,study the pricing of multi-level agricultural insurance products and draw a multi-level agricultural insurance product rate table.
Keywords/Search Tags:Agricultural insurance, Insurance product system, Rate calculation
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