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Research On Poverty Reduction Cooperation Between China And ASEAN Based On The Perspective Of Trade And Investment

Posted on:2020-09-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F F MengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2439330575963096Subject:International Trade
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Eradicating poverty is a common challenge facing all human societies today.Judging from the fact that the world's poor people have been lifted out of poverty,China has made remarkable achievements in poverty reduction and made great contributions to global poverty reduction.However,some ASEAN countries have been suffering from poverty in varying degrees for a long time,which has seriously troubled their economic and social development.At the same time,although China has made remarkable achievements in global poverty reduction,it is difficult for the special poor people who have not yet been lifted out of poverty.Poverty remains an important problem that China urgently needs to solve.Therefore,the exchange and sharing of poverty alleviation experience has become an important part for China and ASEAN countries to achieve the goal of common prosperity and development.In the face of the new requirements for poverty reduction under the 2030 agenda for sustainable development and the achievements of bilateral cooperation in poverty reduction over the past decade,China-ASEAN cooperation in poverty reduction has a viable and realistic basis.China-ASEAN cooperation in poverty reduction is not only necessary for China to achieve its own development,but also for ASEAN countries to reduce poverty and accelerate economic growth.International trade and international investment,as two basic forms of trans-border resource allocation,are important ways to drive economic growth and important ways for international cooperation in poverty reduction.Since the establishment of China-ASEAN free trade area,China and ASEAN countries have achieved fruitful results in trade and investment.China has been ASEAN 's largest trading partner for nine years in a row,and is an important source of investment in ASEAN.Trade and investment cooperation between China and ASEAN have brought about tremendous economic impact and poverty reduction.The research of the bilateral trade cooperation between China and ASEAN countries and China's direct investment to ASEAN countries in ASEAN poverty reduction effect,thus to explore the countermeasures and suggestions of improve trade and investment cooperation,to slow the poverty of some ASEAN countries is of great significance,is conducive to more trade and investment results benefit poor people in ASEAN.Against the backdrop of rising trade and investment between the two sides,China-ASEAN cooperation in poverty reduction has great potential and may even serve as a lubricant for the development of China-ASEAN good-neighborly and friendly relations.Firstly,This paper defines the concepts of poverty and poverty reduction,and reviews the classic theories in the fields of trade and investment and poverty reduction.Secondly,it analyzes the realistic foundation of china-ASEAN poverty reduction cooperation based on the poverty situation of some ASEAN countries,the reference effect of China's poverty reduction experience,the opportunity of "One Belt and One Road"strategy and the good cooperative relationship between the two sides.It also summarizes the general situation of the cooperation between China and ASEAN countries in the field of trade and investment,and further elaborates the channels of bilateral trade and investment cooperation for the poverty reduction of ASEAN countries.Thirdly,in order to deeply study the influence of China-ASEAN bilateral trade cooperation and China's direct investment in ASEAN on the poverty reduction of ASEAN countries,seven relatively poor ASEAN countries were selected as the objects of study,and the panel regression model was constructed based on the panel data of the seven ASEAN countries from 2003 to 2017.According to the results of hypothesis test,the feasible generalized least square method(FGLS)was selected for empirical test,and the effects of trade cooperation between China and ASEAN countries and the poverty reduction brought by China's direct investment in ASEAN countries were analyzed from the perspective of per capita GDP.The empirical results show that the trade and investment cooperation bet.^ween China and ASEAN countries has a positive effect on the increase of per capita income and the decrease of poverty rate in ASEAN poor countries.With the deepening of China-ASEAN bilateral trade cooperation and the increase of China's direct investment in ASEAN countries,especially in the field of infrastructure,the poverty reduction effect on ASEAN countries will be more and more obvious.Finally,combined with the conclusion of empirical research,the paper gives the key directions and countermeasures for deepening China-ASEAN poverty reduction cooperation,mainly from three aspects of trade,investment and other fields,and puts forward corresponding countermeasures and suggestions for each field.In the field of trade,strengthen complementary trade cooperation and enhance the development space of ASEAN foreign trade enterprises,give full play to the effectiveness of the China-ASEAN free trade area and further improve trade facilitation,build a cross-border e-commerce trade platform and expand product sales channels in poor areas of ASEAN.In the field of investment,deepen China-ASEAN cooperation on production capacity and raise the level of industrialization of poor ASEAN countries,increase investment in infrastructure and enhance the ability of the less developed ASEAN countries to reduce poverty on their own,expand diversified financing channels to make up for the shortage of funds for investment projects.In other areas,we may explore new ways for China-ASEAN cooperation in poverty reduction through cooperation in tourism,agricultural technology,education and health care,and green poverty reduction.
Keywords/Search Tags:China-ASEAN, Trade and investment cooperation, Poverty reduction
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