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Research On The Development Of Village Level Industrial Mutual-aid Societies In Yongjing County

Posted on:2020-03-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y J QiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2439330572479426Subject:Public Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since the implementation of the poverty alleviation and development strategy,th e Chinese government has basically adopted a top-down local supply mechanism.The actual decision-making and control of poverty alleviation projects are in the hands of the grassroots government and its functional departments.On the one hand,this pov erty alleviation mechanism has not effectively expressed the actual needs of poor far mers who need to be supported;on the other hand,it is difficult for government dep artments to effectively monitor and monitor the effective use of financial funds for p overty alleviation.At present,simply relying on financial resources to get rid of poverty can not fu ndamentally solve poverty.Instead,it encourages the poor people to rely on laziness.I t should encourages poor farmers to actively develop and expand industries.At prese nt,the flow of financial institutions of commercial banks to cities has also caused th e transfer of rural capital to cities,further exacerbating the contradiction between sup ply and demand of rural capital.If we want to better solve the problem of agricultur e,rural areas and rural areas that China is currently facing,and even more so,in ord er to meet the credit needs of farmers,the surplus rural capital will be left for inter nal use in rural areas through internal adjustment of surplus rural capital.The system of Chinese financial institutions has been greatly improved and effectively supplement ed.In this paper,Yongjing Country is selected as the practical research object of th e Mutual Aid Society,and the problems highlighted by this new type of rural cooper ative financial institution are analyzed from the emergence and development of the Mutual Aid Society.It also expounds from five aspects: risk management measures a re not perfect,imperfect supervision and management system,operation mechanism to be optimized,governance structure to be improved,and competition pressure from ot her forward seven countermeasures and suggestions:establishing risk sharing mechanis m,establishing agricultural risk sharing mechanism,establishing agricultural insurance mechanism,enhancing the thought and ability of farmers' performance,the state should strengthen the support for rural mutual aid associations and clarify their legal statu s,and promote the management of mutual aid associations through management traini ng.We will improve the level,strengthen innovation,explore new business models,d ilute joint insurance,and provide flexible guarantee mechanism.This will make the M utual Aid Society more healthy,sound,and sustainable,in order to benefit the genera l public.At the same time,it will provide a powerful practical reference for the area s where the vast Midwest will establish village-level mutual aid clubs.
Keywords/Search Tags:village-level industrial, mutual aid society, Yongjing county
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