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The Research On The Development Strategy Of Hanjiang River Eco-Tourism

Posted on:2017-09-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X J GuoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2439330566954433Subject:Agricultural Extension
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the 21 st century,Eco-tourism has become the dominant trend in the world of tourism,at present,almost all countries in the world is developing Eco-tourism,as a kindof new tourism way,Eco-tourism,which realizes the win-win situationof economic,environmental and social benefits has become the developing tourism trend in the world.The Eco-tourism resources of China is very rich,to advocate and promote ecological tourism development,which is conductive to promote the sustainable development of tourism,is not only the national policy of environmental protection in our country,but also the international tourism development trend.O n the other hand,the Hanjiang River is the second longest river in Guangdong province,and also is the national important center of Hakka culture and red tourism base,has a good development potential with rich resources,good ecological background and a long history of culture,but has not yet been fully development and utilization.To development Eco-tourism,can both to protect the Han jiang River basin ecological environment,and achieve economic and social benefits.The purpose of the article research,is to combine the Hanjiang River economic belt location and geographical conditions,natural conditions,historical conditions,resources,social foundation,through resource evaluation,SWOT analysis,benefit analysis method,to argument the feasibility of developing Eco-tourism demonstration of Hanjiang River,strategic objectives and mode of Eco-tourism development of Hanjiang River,and puts forward the development countermeasures and suggestions,the Hanjiang River Economic Belt in the scientific and reasonable development of ecological tourism to promote economic development in the protection of natural environment and natural environment,promote the coordinated development of economy and society.Article is divided into six parts,The first chapter is the introduction,describes the research background,the research significance,research methods and ideas,the possibility of innovation.The second chapter is the literature review and theoretical preparation,analyzes research situation of our country and abroad,according to theory of sustainable development,ecology,circular economy theory,to get the In-depth understanding of ecological tourism.The third chapter is analyze the feasibility of ecological tourism development of Hanjiang River,according to the development of basic resources,evaluation,analysis of SWOT and benefit.The fourth chapter is the focus of the article,analysis of the above conditions of Hanjiang River Basin Based on clear strategic objectives and mode of ecological tourism development of Hanjiang River,established the protection and development of the principle of priority,is proposed the strategic target,the scale of development orientation,development target,market analysis,put forward the Hanjiang River Economic Belt tourism development space layout,product design,ecological protection Protection construction and so on.The fifth chapter proposed of Hanjiang River Eco-tourism development,including the establishment of a sustainable management system,the role of government in the Eco-tourism development,strict control of environmental capacity,strengthen visitor management,emphasis on community participation,improve the training system and increase tourism promotion and other content,describes the development of Eco-tourism that require further attention.The last part is a summary of the paper and discuss issues of concern in the future,and the development prospect of the Hanjiang River Eco-tourism were optimistic outlook.
Keywords/Search Tags:Hanjiang River, Eco-tourism, development strategy, countermeasure
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