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Changes Of Advertising Profession Under The Internet Communication Environment

Posted on:2019-09-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:R Y TaoFull Text:PDF
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Under the influence of Internet,the external boundary and internal structure of advertising profession are undergoing tremendous changes.Internet breaks the boundary of jurisdiction of the advertising profession,and brings about the invasion of peripheral participants,thus changing the original evolution of the advertising profession.Based on this research background,this study will use the perspective of sociology of occupation and borrow the core analytical concept of professional system theory—jurisdiction to explore the impact of Internet on the external environment and internal control of advertising profession.This study finds that Internet has brought about an advertising professional system composed of multiple entities.At the same time,it has changed the interactive relationship between the advertising profession and other participants in this professional system,and this change in interaction has further affected the control of jurisdiction of the advertising profession.Under the influence of Internet,the traditional mode of division——"advertisers-advertising agency-media"——has been broken.The media with content or technological advantages began to invade the "upstream".Through "grabbing" content business and "squeezing" place business,these media eroded the jurisdiction of the advertising agency.Besides,advertisers with certain professional ability started to"downstream".They took back advertising agency's jurisdiction through the formation of in-house and "traffic replacement".In addition to media and advertisers,technology companies and consulting firms have also demonstrated their ambitions to grab the jurisdiction of advertising agencies.However,from the actual division of labor,their relationship is still dominated by cooperation.Apart from external influences,Internet has also reshaped the internal control of advertising profession.Firstly,it has broken its original cultural structure by changing the "diagnosis","infer",and "treat" modes of advertising career;secondly,it has spawned the new division of labor based on 4A advertising agencies and small creative agencies and also brought about the differentiation of professional autonomy between these two types of agencies.In general,under the influence of Internet,the changes in advertising profession are manifested in such a process:As a disturbing factor,Internet has triggered the "bump chain"and "vacancy chain",bringing about a series events of jurisdiction "grabbing" and jurisdiction "squeezing".These effects are constantly transmitted in the chains of effects of the advertising professional system.In the end,the participating parties established a new division of labor through "negotiation".Internet has also affected the internal control of the advertising profession.The advertising profession has strengthened the jurisdiction control by changing the cultural structure and reshuffling the internal division of labor,which has resolved some effects of the disturbances caused by Internet.As a result,the advertising profession has achieved a dynamic and balanced status.In the future,in order to resist the invasion of external competitors,the advertising profession should establish stronger jurisdiction by continuing to strengthen internal control and rebuilding advertising professionalism.
Keywords/Search Tags:Internet, advertising profession, professional system, jurisdiction, professional autonomy
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