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Research On Agriculture Products Trade Of China And Vietnam

Posted on:2018-08-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H D L e H a i D a n g Full Text:PDF
GTID:2439330518958813Subject:International trade
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Vietnam is a country that well-known as agricultural producer.Currently,agricultural products are the main export products of Vietnam.In the process of promoting industrialization and modernization of the country,agricultural exports have played a role as an important rationalized resource in promoting economic development.Trade between Vietnam and China has a long history.Agriculture is one of the important commodities in the two countries'cooperation.It occupies an important place in the economic development of the two countries,both sides understand and do well in this cooperation.Due to the differentiation of geographical location,the other tropical agricultural commodities,import of agricultural products,minerals,dyestuffs,rubber,etc.,these are the items that China's market is lacking,but there are very rich in Vietnam.Promoting the Vietnamese agricultural exports to China is beneficial in promoting and enhancing export trade and the production of Vietnamese agricultural products.The essay deals with classical trade theoretical reasoning,new classical argument theory,and new trade theory.Extensive research on the issue of Vietnamese agricultural products exported to China.Currently,exports of agricultural products to China are increasing such as rubber,coffee,cashew nuts,fruits,vegetables,pepper,vegetable oil,etc.The main export form is quota trade and small trade.Despite the increase in exports,besides,there are also many issues,mainly the problems such as:the quality of agricultural products is not high,small trade still exists through border trade,large cash transactions,unstable agricultural commodity prices,and uncertain market.Finally,the essay examines the issues that will be encountered in exporting Vietnamese agricultural products to China and developing policies to cope with them.
Keywords/Search Tags:Vietnam, agricultural, products, exports, trade
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