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Study On The Organization Form Of Agricultural Industry Chain In China

Posted on:2017-10-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y J ZhouFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since 1980s,the organization form of China's agricultural industry chain has been diversified.As a new type of industrial organization,agricultural industry chain has a positive impact on agricultural economy.Therefore,it is of great practical significance to study the organizational form of agricultural industry chain.Firstly,this paper introduces the relevant concepts and theoretical basis of the agricultural industry chain,for the concept of the definition,a brief analysis of the agricultural industrial chain theory,transaction cost economics,network theory,the theory of marginal productivity,the average profit theory four theoretical in the industrial chain,industrial chain of agriculture,agricultural industrial chain organization form.After defining the basic concepts and theories,the organization forms of agricultural industry chain in our country have been studied.The development course of the organization form of agricultural industry chain in China is reviewed,and the development process is divided into three development stages,which are the embryonic stage,the development stage and the development stage.Then the classification of agricultural industry chain organization form in China,and four types of operation mechanism analysis,defined the advantages and disadvantages of each category.In order to further quantitative and qualitative evaluation of our country agriculture industrial chain form,under the background of the basic theory of organizational effectiveness model of factors affecting construct effectiveness evaluation system of the our country agriculture industrial chain organization,and organizational effectiveness are given from the angles of the all modes of evaluation results from.However,want to develop and strengthen the agricultural industry chain organization,must strengthen the agricultural industry chain organization form in the specific field of application of the summary.Therefore,it is necessary to analyze the organizational relationship of agricultural industry chain with the meat food industry chain as an example.The analysis of organizational relationship and performance analysis of meat food processing enterprises,it is concluded that the vertical integration or strategic alliance between the participating members of the industrial chain is a new idea to develop the agricultural industry chain.Then,case analysis to our country agriculture industrial chain form of the three modes of Jiangsu Yurun connection with the farmers,namely model orders,poverty alleviation mode,the science and technology driven model.And the use of organizational effectiveness model of influence factors,gives the evaluation of the effectiveness of Jiangsu Yurun agricultural industrial chain.Finally,based on the previous theory and examples,this paper expounds the Enlightenment of the innovation of the organizational form of agricultural industry chain in China.
Keywords/Search Tags:Agricultural industry chain, Industrial chain organization, "Company + base + farmer"
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