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Research On Teaching Strategies To Promote Deep Learning Of Physics For High School Students

Posted on:2020-08-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X K WuFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Deep learning advocates meaning construction of knowledge based on the existing knowledge system.Only when the knowledge is deeply understood and integrated into the cognitive system can learners deeply grasp the meaning of knowledge and flexibly apply knowledge in changing situations.At present,the research on the application of deep learning related strategies in physics is relatively scarce,and some of the deep learning strategies proposed by researchers of deep learning theory need to be tested in actual teaching practice.In order to apply the teaching strategy of deep learning to physics teaching,and test the effectiveness of strategy in teaching practice,this study carried out the following work: combined with deep learning related research at home and abroad,and the characteristics of the physics,puts forward the integration of old and new knowledge,set learning situation,deep processing and cultivating metacognition ability the four teaching strategies to promote deep learning.In the law of conservation of mechanical energy and the chapter,for example,discussed how to promote students deep learning of the actual application in the physics classroom teaching strategy,designed to promote students' deep learning teaching design,and during the internship taught two classes of a class of teaching strategies for implementation of promoting students deep learning,as another class that in comparative classes according to the general plan in class.After the practice,through the analysis of this chapter and the sorting out of related topics,and consulting and discussing with experienced teachers in the school where I worked as an intern,I compiled the test paper of mechanical energy and its conservation law and measured the two classes.The effects of teaching practice are analyzed to evaluate the effectiveness of the teaching strategies proposed to promote students' deep learning in practice.The results show that in the knowledge test with lower thinking level,the implementation of teaching strategy to promote students' deep learning has no obvious difference between the learning effect of students and that of the control class,while in the knowledge test with higher thinking level,the experimental class has a higher accuracy rate than the control class.So that to promote the students deep learning teaching strategies can effectively deepen students for the meaning of knowledge construction,in the aspect of the integrated use of physical laws can improve the accuracy to solve the problem of students,can promote students to apply knowledge to a deeper level of thinking of the situation,to promote students' deep learning have a certain role.
Keywords/Search Tags:Deep learning, High school physics, Teaching strategies
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