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A Survey Of The Social History Of The Japanese Immigration Development Corps

Posted on:2020-06-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:N WangFull Text:PDF
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After 18 September 1931,the Japanese imperialists took the policy of "armed migration" in the northeast of China.In 1937,the Japanese imperialists carried out a million-to-one migration program,namely,a million people and five million people who were emigrated to the Northeast of China in the past 20 years,and intended to change the demographic structure of the Northeast to the northeast of China,Colonial China,the purpose of the hegemony of Asia.Based on Marx's historical materialism and literature research method,this paper analyzes the causes,processes and results of the colonization of Northeast China by the Japanese Immigration Blazers on the basis of relevant data,so as to further expose the essence of Japanese immigrants' aggression and enhance their understanding of Japan.The article mainly discusses from three aspects.First of all,the analysis of the causes of Northeast China,the gate of the Japanese Immigration Trail Blaze Group.This part is mainly based on Marx's historical materialism to analyze the motivation of colonization.First,starting with the consciousness of Japanese imperialism,this paper analyzes that the colonial aggression carried out by Japan is carried out under the domination of imperialist consciousness,and then analyzes the present situation in Japan.Serious social contradictions in Japan have exacerbated the introduction of immigration policy;finally,it is analyzed from the situation of moving to northeast China.Northeast China is a good place coveted by Japanese imperialism because of its sparse population and rich resources.Second,the process of colonizing the Northeast of China from the Japanese Immigrants Development Group is analyzed.This part mainly discusses three aspects: the establishment of the Japanese Immigrant Development Group in the northeast,the development process in the northeast of China,and the "open up" results of the development group.In the order of the historical time,the Japanese Immigrant Development Group has been set up in the northeast to expand the scale and play its role in the "development of the final defeat".Finally,it describes the social consequences of the Japanese immigration development regiment.Mainly from the economic consequences,cultural consequences and political consequences are discussed.The improper immigration aggression of the Japanese Immigration Development regiment must have been a failure in the end,but the masses of the people were the biggest victims of the war,whether it was the Chinese people or the Japanese pioneering people.The Japanese immigration pioneer group is far away from the land,and its life in Northeast China has led to "reclamation disease" and suicide due to the influence of climate and various man-made reasons.Finally,due to the cruelty of Japanese imperialism,the historical problem of Japanese orphan appeared.In short,the Japanese Immigration Trail Blazers are controlled by the state power at home and belong to the rulers in the class.After moving to Northeast China,they became the tools of Japanese imperialist aggression,served as backup troops in war,became victims of war,and still belonged to the ruled in class.However,in Northeast China,they seized houses,land,plundered resources and persecuted the labor force of Northeast China,which brought heavy disasters to the people of Northeast China.In this sense,the Japanese Immigration Blazers are class and national rulers.He is an accomplice and direct participant in the Japanese imperialism's invasion of China.So we're going to dig deep into history.In fact,it reveals the nature of Japanese imperialism emigrating to northeast China,defends history and maintains peace.
Keywords/Search Tags:Japanese Immigration Blazers, invasion and destruction, social problem
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