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A Study On The Teaching Of Modern Chinese Reading In The Upper Grades Of Elementary Schools

Posted on:2019-03-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X L GuoFull Text:PDF
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Reading is the foundation of Chinese teaching in primary school Chinese senior Chinese teaching,reading is the main part of the classroom teaching.Seniors as the growth of the age,the accumulation of knowledge,thinking had great progress,the students also had his own understanding on the language lessons,coupled with the openness of the information platform of the Internet era,the attention of students is easy to spread.In primary school Chinese reading texts,language is fixed,the teacher needs to convey to students the reading content lifelike,and let the students master the reading method,this is the teaching of Chinese reading teaching goal,also is the fundamental content of teachers' teaching ability test.Leading role of teachers in the classroom teaching activities is to cultivate the students' interest in learning,lead the students to experience reading content together,eventually forming thinking ability,this is a long-term process,but also a teaching means,teaching strategy,the process of advancing with The Times.In this process,the teacher study reading the text,to summarize the experience in teaching,which is the most important modern article reading teaching.Has a history of five thousand years of Chinese culture,Chinese language text is bearing the weight of the spirit and character of the Chinese nation,the revival of the\ "Chinese dream\" and the implementation needs the support of the national spirit,it is through language to reflect the national spirit.The essence of the Chinese national literature in basic education in Chinese reading teaching material is pure free,modern culture is the \ "May 4th\" new culture movement after the creation of literary genre,from the Angle of applicability,modern is an example of today's society social general,in primary and secondary school textbooks,modern article reading subject position.In previous studies,experts and scholars tend to primary school Chinese reading as a holistic research category,literary style,the distinction between subject and no refining,few studies classification,this paper present situation of Chinese modern literature reading teaching in the elementary school higher grades as the basis,based on the real primary school Chinese modern article reading teaching situation,by exploring the primary school Chinese reading teaching target,process and methods,so as to find the problem,put forward the scientific and practical teaching strategy,the full text is divided into the following several parts,the introduction part,mainly discusses the elementary school higher grades of modern article reading teaching of the selected topic background,research significance and research methods;The first part,the newstandard of modern article reading teaching under the perspective of elementary school.From the primary school Chinese reading teaching in the subordinate position of modern teacher education,a senior Chinese modern article reading teaching requirement and characteristics of modern narrative study elementary school,the necessity of reading;The second part,from the primary school Chinese modern teacher education existence question and reason analysis situation and development trend of Chinese modern culture teaching in primary school;The third part,the elementary school higher grades of modern article reading teaching practice strategy.From the teaching goal,classroom mode,teaching type,text analysis,and evaluation mechanism,etc.The purpose of the thesis is to enrich the current primary school Chinese reading teaching theory research,promote the development of primary school Chinese modern literature teaching and improvement.ideological value and artistic value,but also to cultivate students' reading ability,reading four students,and ultimately the formation of core competence.
Keywords/Search Tags:reading teaching, current situation, strategy
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