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Research On The Lack Of Publicity In The Construction Of My Country's Archives Legislation Syste

Posted on:2020-02-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q ZhangFull Text:PDF
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With the development of modern information society and the promotion of service administration,the publicity of archives is becoming more and more pr ominent.The publicity of archival cause refers not only to the public ownershi p and sharing of archives itself,but also to the traditional management ideas a nd methods of emphasizing management over service,emphasizing order over f reedom,emphasizing public welfare over private interests,and emphasizing effi ciency over fairness.To the modern public service as the value goal,attach im portance to the public use of archives and public participation in the modern g overnance concept and way of transformation.As the legal guarantee for the ef fective promotion of archival cause,the construction of archival legislation syst em must also conform to this social demand and regard publicity as its basic value goal and normative design concept.In the specific system design,attenti on is paid to the entity and procedure guarantee of the right to use public arc hives.Since the reform and opening up,the construction of archives legislation sy stem in our country has grown from scratch and has become more and more perfect,forming a relatively complete archives legislation system with Archives Law as the core and composed of archives administrative laws and regulation s,local laws and regulations.It provides the basis for the legalization of archi val governance and the modernization of archival public service with informatiz ation as the core.However,with the development of economy and society in o ur country,the construction of archives legislation system in our country has al so exposed many shortcomings,among which the lack of public value is partic ularly important.The concrete performance is that the legislative goal tends to maintain the management order,and the protection of public rights and freedo ms is insufficient;the public service system and function of archives are not c learly defined;the legislative items of special public service are missing;the le gislative content lags behind and lacks maneuverability;The democratic participation in the legislative process is not enough.It can not meet the needs of the public development trend of archives facing the public and serving the public under the current situation,and it also deviates from the goal of legalization of archives management.The reasons are the dislocation of legislative ideas,su ch as emphasizing management over service,emphasizing public welfare over p rivate interests,etc.,as well as the instability of file management system,the non-standardization of legislative procedures,the lack of systematic legislative p lan,and the lack of professionalism of the legislative team.Therefore,to solve the problem of lack of publicity in the construction of archival legislation system in our country,we should always adhere to the mod ern concept of rule of law,such as people-oriented,fair,open and so on,on t he basis of defining the public value goal of archival legislation.It is necessar y to straighten out the file management system and clarify its public service re sponsibility and authority;It is necessary to optimize the procedures for archiv al legislation,in particular to strengthen the openness and transparency of the a rchival legislative process,and to provide effective institutional protection for p ublic participation in legislation,because of the effective participation of the pu blic and the expression of demands,There is no doubt that it is the most effe ctive way to achieve the goal of improving the publicity of archival legislation.It is necessary to establish a contingent of professional archival legislative tale nts and earnestly improve legislative technology.At the same time,making a s cientific and reasonable file legislation plan and strengthening legislative superv ision is also a feasible way to solve the problem of lack of publicity in the ar chives legislation system of our country.As a result,the publicity of the const ruction of archives legislation system in our country will be further strengthene d,and the goal of public development of archives facing the public and servin g the public will certainly be realized.
Keywords/Search Tags:archive, legislation system, lack of publicity, control countermeasures
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