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On Juvenile Delinquency Records Archive System

Posted on:2015-01-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y H G L A B L M T ReFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Section275of the new Code of Criminal Procedure is about the juveniledelinquency records archive value, and it is very helpful for minors who have a crimerecord especially for minors who finished prison term,this will have a significantimpact in terms of their future schooling, employment, etc. While helping to reducejuvenile crime again.Minors are the future of motherland and hope of the nation, butminors because of their immaturity in physical and mental, can easily affected by theenvironment, they will commit a crime. Under normal circumstances, even after theyare released from prison,it is difficult to go back to the community for this minors,because of poor record, they suffer unfair treatment in n school test on key issues,employment and other. Because of the existence of these minors who committed acrime on a variety of social prejudices, these children feel that they can not beaccommodated in this society, they may begin to hate the society, and take apsychological revenge on society, and it is easy to go the way of crime again.Therefore, they need our help, need to be socially acceptable. Minors is in the growthstage of life, we can not easily despise or abandon them just because they committed acrime, Educate, help, save, protect them is the bounden duty of the law and society.Juvenile delinquency file archiving system appeared in our law for the first time.The practice base is relatively weak, so the system of juvenile delinquency archivefiles our country need to constantly sum up experience from practice and learn fromexcellent place of other country to further improve relevant systems.This paper willcertain the juvenile delinquency files from the archive system as the starting point,through theoretical and practical analysis, feasibility studies related systems,designedto improve the inadequacies of juvenile delinquency file archiving system. This paperconsists of four parts, In the he first part, specifically to clarify the concepts ofjuvenile delinquency, juvenile delinquency file system archiving significance, andeliminate the difference between a criminal record and other aspects of the system, make a deeply explanation for the system. In the second part, analyze the legislativeand judicial situation of juvenile delinquency file archiving system of our country. Inthe third part, make a statement to the foreign criminal records archive system andconduct a comparative analysis. In the fourth part, pointed out that some of theproblems of juvenile delinquency file archiving systems currently exist, and to makerecommendations for the improvement of relevant legislation and judicial practice.
Keywords/Search Tags:Minor, Crime File Archive, Eliminate criminal record
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