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Research On Cultural Construction Of Resettlement Communities In Jiangbei New District, Nanjing

Posted on:2020-10-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q Y GeFull Text:PDF
GTID:2435330605470384Subject:Public Administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In recent years,the process of urbanization is accelerating,the scale and space of the city is expanding rapidly,a large number of suburban land is expropriated,and the lost land residents are resettled to form resettlement communities.On the surface,it is the change of living style,but in fact,it involves the change and reconstruction of social ecosystem.At present,there are not many discussions on resettlement community,and most of them focus on the overall governance scheme.In the community governance,the construction of community culture is the key and difficult point.Building a good community culture will help to create a good cultural atmosphere,meet the various cultural needs of community residents,and improve the overall quality of community residents.As for the relocated community,the idea of emphasizing resettlement and neglecting management makes the cultural construction ignored,and the community cultural construction becomes the short board of the relocated community construction.Not only that,there is a lack of cohesion and sense of belonging between the residents of the resettlement community,but also the need to increase communication between them through cultural construction,improve the overall quality of the community,and promote the long-term stability of the resettlement community.In this environment,cultural construction is more important for resettlement community.This paper selects fangting community,a representative resettlement community in Jiangbei new district of Nanjing,as the research object.Firstly,by issuing a cultural construction questionnaire,visiting the streets,communities,residents,property and other relevant departments on the spot,we get the basic data and data related to the cultural construction of fangting community.After analysis,we get the main problems of the cultural construction of fangting community.There are some problems,such as the low degree of attention paid by the resettled residents,the weak cultural infrastructure of the resettled community,the infrequent cultural activities,the low participation of the residents,the imperfect cultural system,and the lack of foundation of spiritual culture.Secondly,taking the problems as the starting point,through the analysis and demonstration,it is concluded that the main reasons for the problems in the cultural construction of the resettlement community in Jiangbei new area are the particularity of itself,the cultural gap between the urban and rural dual structure and the lack of effective coordination between the cultural construction subjects.Finally,the paper puts forward the optimized path of the cultural construction of the resettlement community in Jiangbei new area.First,it uses urban and rural cultural complementarity to promote the integration and development of the cultural construction of the resettlement community;second,it strengthens the construction of the cultural weak points of the resettlement community to improve the level of cultural construction;third,it establishes the system of cooperation and co construction to gather the cultural construction strength of the resettlement community.
Keywords/Search Tags:Relocation and Resettlement Community, Cultural Construction, Jiangbei New Area, Fangting Community
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