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The Future Shines Into Reality

Posted on:2021-03-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X F LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2435330602498507Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This thesis takes the Chinese "Science Fiction Realism Novels" as the research object,exploring the historical process of this concept,and clarifying the various directions of Science Fiction from the late 1970s to the early 1980s.Through compare from different perspectives,we will explore the historical conditions of the emergence of "science fiction realism novels" at this time,and the hard work of Zheng Wenguang and other science fiction writers who try to pioneer a new way for Chinese science fiction.This paper is divided into four chapters.The first chapter aims to describe the Science Fiction revival after the Cultural Revolution.Starting from three perspectives,including literature/cultural works,events and activities,we outline three aspects of the early "science craze" in the new era,and reproduce interaction between Science Fiction and literature.First of all,it analyzes how intellectuals,especially scientists,become "Heroes" by means of Goldbach conjecture;secondly,under the slogan "march towards scientific modernization"of the National Science Conference,a large number of popular science/science fiction publications have sprung up;thirdly,mainstream literary journals such as People's literature have begun to pay attention to Science fiction.The second chapter aims to explore the logic and premise of the concept of"Science Fiction Realism " in theory.Through the reinterpretation of the connotation and relationship of the three key words——"science" "fantasy" and"reality",we can get the conscious though of a group of science fiction writers such as Zheng Wenguang.They advocate that Science Fiction should return to reality,and combine scientific fantasy with reflecting on reality,thinking about reality and even criticizing reality,finding a "Science Fiction Realism" road.The third chapter analyzes the text about "Science Fiction Realism" from four materials,including reflecting "scars",constructing "new people",alien civilization and robot world.At this time,the main forces of Science Fiction writers focus on the reality instead of the future.With their unique understanding,they integrate reality into Scientific Fantasy,expressing their compassion for all living beings and their humanistic concern for real history.The fourth chapter aims to treat the fading out of Science Fiction Realism from a historical perspective.After experiencing a brief climax during the late 1970s and early 1980s,Science fiction "suddenly" ebbed.The reasons are worth pondering.The state intervention,the neglect of the literary and scientific circles,the creation predicament could partly explain this phenomenon.
Keywords/Search Tags:Science Fiction Realism, Science fiction, Fantasy, Reality
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